DIGIMON CON aired on YouTube on 26/27 February 2022. Most of it is in an official archive playlist, but a musical performance segment was cut out, so here it is.

Special Live Musical Performance by Ayumi Miyazaki

This has the Japanese video stream because it looks much better than the English stream, but the only way this matters is that the song lyrics/authors are in Japanese. For Miyazaki’s little speech at 13:15, I’ve carefully recreated the English stream’s subtitles as softsubs (except the multicoloured border).

The video and audio are cut out without reëncoding from the VP9 stream of DIGIMON CON downloaded directly from YouTube with yt-dlp --live-from-start. Compared to the H.264 stream without --live-from-start, this has much better detail retention in some scenes and slightly worse in others.


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